How secure is e-referral?
For ERS to work, personal details such as name, address, date of birth and the reason for referral, will be sent electronically to your chosen hospital.
Referral information will be held and sent securely and will only be seen by those who are directly involved in delivering your care. Everyone working in the NHS has a legal duty to keep information confidential.
Does ERS make getting an appointment date and time faster?
Yes. Traditionally, your GP writes a referral letter and the hospital informs you that you have been placed onto an outpatient waiting list. You will then receive a letter from the hospital asking you to contact them to arrange a convenient date and time for your appointment.
Using ERS enables you to make the appointment and agree the appointment time and date upfront making the process much quicker and easier.
What happens if I want to change the hospital I have chosen?
If you want to attend a different hospital from the one you have already chosen, you will need to contact your GP practice.
What happens if I want to change the date and time of my appointment?
If necessary, you will be able to change the date and time of your appointment quickly and easily via the NHS ERS website. You will need to have your booking reference number and password to hand.
Where can I get help to use ERS?
Full information about how to use the ERS is on the NHS Choices e-referrals website.